Perkumpulan Promotor dan Pendidik Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia
Indonesian Society for Health Promotion and Education (ISHPE) or Perkumpulan Promotor dan Pendidik Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (PPPKMI) is a professional organization consisting of public health promotion and education specialists in Indonesia.
ISHPE was established on 14 February 1988 to provide opportunity for health promotion specialists to share ideas, experiences on health promotion to improve professionalisms on health promotion in Indonesia.
In 2013, ISHPE officially joined IUHPE (International Union on Health Promotion and Education), a worldwide organization of health promotion and education specialists.

Our Vision
To develop perceptive, qualified and ethical health promotion specialists to achieve a sustainable health development for healthy, prosperous and independent community

Our Mission
- To increase the quality and quantity of health promotion and education specialists including their structure and development.
- To mobilize community in sustainable behavior-based health development
- To conduct research and development program to support health promotion policy and program.
- To assist government in increasing health education programs for fulfilling community rights to receive comprehensive health information.
- To enhance partnership and intersectoral collaboration at both local, national and international level to promote healthy behavior.

Our Programs
- Research and development in health promotion program
- Increasing professionalism and empowerment of health promotion and education specialists
- Strengthening partnership and network at national, regional and global level
- Community engagement in health promotion
As member of IUHPE, we have been referring to IUHPE as our standard of health promotion specialist in Indonesia. This to support our plan to have all of Indonesian health promotion specialists to be internationally recognized in the near future. We are progressing this plan by aiming to have our health promotion specialist to be internationally certified with IUHPE standard.
On the picture: The Minister of Health Republic of Indonesia, Director General of Public Health and the President of Indonesian Society for Health Promotion and Education on the opening of the 7th National Conference of Health Promotion, Jakarta, Indonesia.